Trade Analyst Job Details

Job Description : Research market conditions for potential sales, establish research methods for data gathering, review data for future
marketing trends, collect data from customer preferences and buying habits, prepares reports & graphic illustrations.
Job Requirement : 2 Years of experience in Marketing, Bachelor's Degree in Accounting/Auditing
Job Wages : $ 40,000/year
Contact : Freedom Consulting Group
Apply to :
Other Information : Location of Employment: North Wales, PA (Montgomery County)

This notice is provided in compliance with 20 C.F.R. 656.10 (d). Any person may provide documentary evidence bearing on the application to:

Certifying Officer
United States Department of Labor
Employment and Training
Administration Atlanta National Processing Center,
Harris Tower
233 Peachtree Street, N.E.,
Suite 410
Atlanta, GA 30303
T: (404) 893-0101
F: (404) 893-4642